Privacy policy

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This privacy policy informs you about how EEBIC collects, uses, exploits, and protects your personal data that you transmit via the following URL:

Data Controller

Your personal data is processed by EEBIC whose registered office is located at:

  • Address: 12 allée de la Recherche, 1070 Brussels, Belgium
  • VAT Number: BE 0446.564.640
  • Email:

Purposes of Collecting Personal Data

EEBIC may process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with various information or certain services (sending newsletters, white papers, personalized offers, contests, promotional offers).

Recipients of Your Personal Data

Your personal data is stored by EEBIC. However, it may also be disclosed to our company’s employees or service providers only at our request, following our instructions, and not for any other use.

Transfer of Personal Data Outside the European Union

Personal data can only be transferred outside the European Union to countries that apply a data protection policy equivalent to that in force within the European Union.

Retention and Deletion of Your Personal Data

The personal data collected will be retained for the time necessary to achieve the objectives. Once the objectives are reached, they will be deleted or anonymized.

Protection of Your Personal Data

EEBIC is committed to protecting your personal data against any unauthorized access and manipulation through organizational and technical measures. Your personal data is treated confidentially by authorized persons only to achieve the required purpose.

However, be aware that today, the risks of data breaches and violations of personal data integrity are real. In the event of an accidental or malicious leak, and in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), EEBIC undertakes to notify the problem directly to the Data Protection Authority.

Your Rights Relating to Your Personal Data

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect in May 2018 in Belgium, stipulates that when using your personal data, you have certain rights at any time:

  • Right to data erasure
  • Right to data portability
  • Right to access your data
  • Right to data rectification
  • Right to restriction of data processing
  • Right to object

In accordance with Article 12 of the GDPR, to exercise your rights, you must contact the entity responsible for processing your personal data in writing, electronically, or orally. A copy of your identity card is also required and will not be valid orally.

From the date of receipt of your request, the data controller must inform you of the measures relating to your case within a maximum period of one month. Note that in some cases where the request is more complex, the response time can be up to three months. If this is the case, you will be informed, and the data controller must also provide you with the reasons for this extension.

In the event that the entity in charge of processing your personal data does not follow up on your request, it must inform you and provide the reasons for its refusal within one month of receiving your request. You then have the possibility to seek judicial recourse by filing a complaint with the Data Protection Authority (DPA).